Annual Reports
First impressions are important, but it’s the ones with substance that last. As a public company, you are everybody’s business. You are the business of the SEC, the business of your shareholders, the business of your customers and the business of your employees. You are everybody’s business but you are unique.
Tell your company story visually and interactively with your Annual Report. As a public company you often have just one opportunity each year to make an impression on your shareholders, customers, analysts and investors. That opportunity is your Annual Report. Inform your audiences about the financial state of your company and management’s goals for the future. We create your annual report with your company’s distinct personality and a design that builds confidence in the future performance of your company.
“I wanted to tell you that we are seeing some of our fellow foundations that are doing reports very similar – in fact some look like exact replicas. What a wonderful compliment! We are also hearing from our colleagues that our report is done “right.” Thanks for all your efforts in helping us showcase the foundation.”
Renee Masaryk, Grant Coordinator, Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation